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Grain, gluten and dairy free breakfast: A savoury breakfast with healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and protein that will keep you satiated for longer thus preventing cravings later on in the day. Don’t be afraid of fats! The addition of turmeric and pepper helps with the absorption of vitamin A from the eggs, which keeps your eyes, skin and immune system healthy.

I know dicing vegetables can be time consuming, so I prefer to do it the night before, so you have more time in the morning to get ready for your day. Meal prepping and planning is essential for a successful stress-free healthy lifestyle!


Paleo Veggie & Egg Skillet


Serves 1



•1 teaspoon coconut oil

•1/2 cup diced yam

•1/3 cup diced onion

•1/3 cup diced yellow/red/green bell pepper

•2 free range eggs

•1 green onion, minced

•2 tablespoons salsa

•cilantro for garnish

•spices: chili powder, turmeric powder, unrefined salt & pepper



1. Sauté yam with coconut oil so it becomes semi-soft.

2. Add onion and bell pepper, sauté until onion is translucent.

3. Stir in spices and salsa.

4. Crack eggs, and cover with a lid until eggs are cooked.

5. Serve with chopped cilantro.



Click to download and save or print for your recipe box: paleo-veggie-and-egg-skillet




Created by: Renee Altman, RHN from Verity Nutrition

Renee at Crystal Hills

Renee was raised in small town Kaslo in the West Kootenays. After graduating, she pursued a health and lifestyle path by enrolling in the Human Kinetics program at the University of British Columbia Okanagan in Kelowna. While attending university, she found her passion not only to be fitness, but also nutrition. In 2012, Renee attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Nanaimo, where she specialized in holistic nutrition. She then returned to the Okanagan where she now resides. Renée’s strong belief in healthy practices such as fitness, nutrition, and emotional well-being fit well with the principles of holistic nutrition.

Renee’s method is to ditch the diet and switch to a lifestyle where incorporating nourishing food everyday will have you feeling empowered and revitalized. Her plan will have you forgetting about trendy diets that leave you feeling hungry, irritable, and tired, and instead incorporating natural, alive, and good quality whole foods.


Our amazing group of bloggers includes Nicole Lachance the Bella Vita Beauty Blogger, Renee Altman a Holistic Nutritionist, and many other guest writers.

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