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Valentine’s Day always makes me hopeful. Whether I was in a relationship or not, I always felt that this was a day to be cherished and to show our friends and loved ones how much we cherish them. Of course, if you were lucky enough to be in love on Valentine’s Day, then naturally this is a day made for kissing.

Kissing costs nothing and is super fun. A good kiss can turn an ordinary day into something better. Whether it is a quick kiss, a long, deep kiss, or a full out make out session, kissing is the best. I come out of a good kiss with rosy cheeks, happy lips and a mood to match.

This is why having lips that are ready to move is so critical at all times, but especially on Valentine’s Day, when we really need to be ready for some serious kissing action.

I like to do a lip scrub a couple of times a week, followed by a good lip moisturizer. I find that the exfoliation and stimulation plumps my lips and prepares the surface for a nice gloss of smooth colour.

For this scrub, mix one tablespoon of brown sugar with enough liquid honey to make it sticky, then add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. Rub gently but vigorously on your lips, rinse, and follow with a lip butter for moisture.

This lip scrub will invite all sorts of attention from admirers and loved ones, and is guaranteed to make you smile. Cinnamon hearts all around!





Created by Nicole Lachance

Crystal Hills Bella Vita Blogger

Nicole earned her Bachelor of Arts degree (with distinction) from the University of Alberta, with a major in French Language and Literature and a minor in Italian Language. She then continued her education at McGill University, earning her Bachelor of Common Law and Bachelor of Civil Law, where she was selected as class valedictorian. Nicole is a practicing lawyer and writes the Bella Vita Beauty Blog for Crystal Hills Organics. Nicole enjoys being active with her husband and three small children. She also enjoys traveling, playing tennis, ballet, cooking, baking, and experimenting with skin care and makeup. With too little sleep and a very exciting and hectic life as a mother of three young children, Nicole can appreciate the value and importance of implementing a skin care regimen composed of products containing quality ingredients. She also believes in the power of positive energy, and recognizes the benefits of using essential oils and other natural elements to create at-home beauty treatments.


Our amazing group of bloggers includes Nicole Lachance the Bella Vita Beauty Blogger, Renee Altman a Holistic Nutritionist, and many other guest writers.

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