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This beauty boosting recipe will make your sad isolation skin absolutely glow!

You will need:
1) 1/4 cup whole oats for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, to treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells;
2) 3/4 cup plain yogurt for a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, and the lactic acid dissolves dead skin cells;
3) 2/3 banana to help smooth rough and aging skin, and bananas have oil-control properties that can help reduce future breakouts; and
4) 1/2 teaspoon organic vanilla extract, for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Blend all ingredients, smooth on face, neck and décolletage, and shower off after 10-15 minutes.
Your skin will be vibrant and refreshed.
Enjoy.    💕


Created by: Nicole Lachance
Our Bella Vita Beauty Blogger

Crystal Hills Bella Vita Blogger


Our amazing group of bloggers includes Nicole Lachance the Bella Vita Beauty Blogger, Renee Altman a Holistic Nutritionist, and many other guest writers.

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