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Most of the time, we are undermining the power of thinking; just like you can use good habits to beat bad ones, you can also use positive affirmations to redirect and challenge negative thoughts. So, what exactly is an affirmation? It can be a single phrase and set of words that you repeat to yourself, and they help you affirm a thought or belief; when you work on these daily affirmations, you can easily set your intention for the day.

These Positive affirmations help you tap into your mind power to live in the moment and reduce the stress. Moreover, these affirmations can work as relaxation techniques for anxiety. Something that will bring more calm, positive thoughts are positive sayings paired with mindfulness-based stress reduction. The role of belief is also significant. You need to believe in these positive phrases to make them a reality; you can use them as positive mantras.

When you repeat positive mantras to yourself every day, they start feeling true because of repetition, plus this creates a habit of positive thinking. Do you sometimes feel that you always have something stressing you out, and there is always some pending work that needs to be done? Having positive affirmations can help you out. Every time you feel like you are stressing and overthinking, you need to repeat the positive affirmations to distract your mind and eliminate the stress.

Here are some positive affirmations that you can use that for anxiety relief as well as mindfulness and calm:

  • I only exist right now.
  • I choose to replace worry with love and acceptance.
  • I choose to exist right now.
  • I will focus on what makes me happy.
  • I am here in the present moment.
  • I am prioritizing my happiness.
  • I have the power to change what does not serve me.
  • I attract positive energy.
  • My mind is calm.
  • I will be mindful and aware of my body and space.
  • I am free to let go of fear.
  • Challenges only bring me closer to my goals.
  • All is well at this moment.
  • I will not be held back by the past.
  • My thoughts are not me.
  • I surrender my fear and doubts, as they do not serve me.
  • I create the world I am in.
Andrea S. Barone

Andrea S. Barone

Andrea lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and is very passionate about promoting a health-conscious lifestyle that incorporates the healing powers of nature. With a background in Occupational Health and Safety, as well as Biological Sciences, she went on to become a Chartered Herbalist and Reiki Master healer and then studied Organic Skincare Formulation. She creates luxurious and highly effective skincare products that we can all benefit from, by synergistically combining the active constituents of botanicals with the healing energetic traits of crystals. It is her mission to share these life-changing tools so you can move forward with ease and manifest more. More love. More strength. More abundance.

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